Näitan 157–168 / 239 tulemusest
TORRENS termojope
175.00€- Mitkekülgne vahekiht.
- Polartec® Alpha® kuivab kiirelt kuid isoleerib ka märjana.
- DWR välisviimistlus on vetthülgav.
- Elsatne alumine äär.
- Pöidlaaukudega mansetid.
- Kaks välimist taskut ja üks sisemine rinnatasku.
- Regular fit
Ujuvusabiga traksipüksid
305.00€- Easily worn Mustang Survival flotation jackets and coats
- Adjustable elasticized suspenders
- Leg zippers allow ease of entry and donning over boots
- Provides additional hypothermia protection and flotation support
Ülakompass CHE 0078 kommertslaeavadele
1,090.00€- 125 mm 5,75″ dial
- 1 degree graduation
- B+C correctors built-in
- hardened steel pivot and sapphire jewel
- night lighting 12/24V
- Type MED/ SOLAS approved
- Individual MED/ SOLAS certificate
- overall dimensions 195×110 mm+mirror
- warranty 5 years
- optional accessories: quadrant correctores CHE 0079